Just Eat

Food service

Company size
11k+ employees

Services we provided
• UI / UX
• Digital Design
• Development

• Laravel
• Vue

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Keeping up with the growing demand for drivers

Improving the pool of applicants
Each year, JET delivers countless orders worldwide. Their website is the hub for recruiting delivery drivers. To streamline their global operations, JET sought a more efficient hiring process and seamless sharing of applicant data across platforms. They needed to attract more applicants and improve the quality of applicants.

Streamlining the online hiring process
El Niño stepped in as digital partner, crafting a tailored platform for JET. The result? A smoother, more dynamic hiring platform, ready to meet the demands of their expanding business.

Tailored landing pages for different countries
By engaging with the target audience, we've pinpointed their diverse needs and desires, integrating them into specific landing pages tailored to each country.

Optimizing conversion rates through A/B testing
We constantly track the conversion rates of both the landing pages and application flow. Through constant testing and refining, we achieve optimal conversion rates while minimizing the amount of irrelevant applicants, reducing the load on JET's recruitment team.

Effortless global scalability
Powered by a robust tech stack of Laravel + Vue, we have the agility to quickly iterate and expand into new countries as needed. Currently, JET is actively recruiting in 14 countries and continues to grow.

Just Eat Recruitment driver standing outdoors with delivery bag
Two Just Eat Recruitment drivers sitting in the sun with helmet and delivery bag
Just Eat Recruitment user interview results

By conducting in-depth interviews with the target audience and JET, we uncovered their needs and wishes. These goals were aligned with JET’s business goals, resulting in a clear blueprint for the landing pages and application flow.

Aligning JET’s business goals with the needs of their target audience

Finding the right balance
To guarantee project success, hitting the sweet spot between JET’s business goals and user needs was essential. It is about more than just understanding the users — it's about truly empathizing with them while keeping JET's objectives in sight.

Engaging users and stakeholders
By experiencing what it is like being a "driver for a day" and conducting in-depth interviews, we gained invaluable insights into what truly matters to the users. Stakeholders from all departments were involved, to ensure that everyone was on the same page, working towards a common goal.

Exceeding the expectations of the target audience
Identifying potential risks early allows us to tackle challenges effectively, ensuring that our end product not only meets, but exceeds user expectations while driving business success.

Just Eat Recruitment mobile landing page wireframe
Just Eat Recruitment mobile landing page wireframe

We created an interactive prototype which allowed for quick testing and validation with the target audience and JET. This functioned as a blueprint for our design team.

Just Eat Recruitment desktop design of landing page
Just Eat Recruitment mobile landing page design mockups

The designs and final product were optimized for mobile usage since over 80% of JET’s target audience accesses the website via mobile devices.

Staying ahead by continuously testing and improving the website

User-centric optimization
Analytics and Hotjar are used for gathering insights into user behavior on the website. By analyzing actions taken on each page, we gain deep understanding of user preferences and pain points. Armed with this knowledge, we strategically optimize the user experience, driving engagement and satisfaction.

Maintaining an optimal pagespeed
Grafana serves as our monitoring tool to measure technical performance of the site, proactively flag problems and to address any issues.

Informed decisions through A/B testing
Conducting A/B tests on content and page structure, enables data-driven decision-making, guiding us towards the most effective strategies to increase user interactions and achieving optimal outcomes.

Minimizing downtime
Achieving an impressive 99.98% uptime over the past six months, the implementation of New Relic keeps downtime in check. In case of downtime, we are notified immediately so we can promptly intervene and take action.

We A/B tested every element to guarantee optimal performance. This method guarantees success, paving the way for continuous enhancement and refinement.

Achieving optimal web conversion

Striking a balance between volume and quality of applicants
An optimal conversion rate is realized through a comprehensive application form, efficiently attracting a high volume of potential candidates while effectively filtering out unsuitable applicants.

A streamlined recruitment process
Improving the applicant flow streamlined the recruitment process, reducing the load on recruiters and preserving resources. This approach not only maximizes efficiency but also increases the quality of the candidate pool, leading to better hiring decisions and organizational success.

Just Eat Recruitment desktop recruitment flow form

By clarifying the recruitment flow to 5 steps, we managed to increase the amount of absolute hires and quality of the candidates.

Engaging users and stakeholders resulted in a clear roadmap
Engaging users and stakeholders resulted in a clear roadmap
Just Eat Recruitment mobile application flow mockup
Just Eat Recruitment mobile application flow mockup
Just Eat Recruitment mobile application flow mockup
Just Eat Recruitment mobile application flow mockup

The result

In collaboration with JET, our user-centered strategy successfully tackled the bottlenecks in the recruitment flow, leading to increased conversion rates.

This is highlighted by the salary slider feature, where we realized an impressive 40% uplift in web conversion rates.

Connect with the project team

Portrait of Antrea

Antrea Chrysanthou

UX / UI Designer
Portrait of Barbara

Barbara Jansink

Product Owner
Portrait of Filip

Filip Ivanov

Portrait of Antrea

Antrea Chrysanthou

UX / UI Designer
Portrait of Barbara

Barbara Jansink

Product Owner
Portrait of Filip

Filip Ivanov


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